Date: Sun, 2 May 2004 05:14:32 -0700 (MST) From: Ettore Pedretti <> Subject: End of run report Hello, All IOTA has been behaving very well... I think I solved the problem causing the crash of DAQ and necessary reboot of the VME rack. It was caused by the state machine staying in quadrant mode while loading the data readout circuit. I now reset the state machine to "IDLE" state before leaving the quadrant program. Never had a single crash since... The modified software is separated from the official software release and can be run by invoking the script observe_ep_g3.2. I found the raster scan, written by John for the fiber explorer, very useful and time saving. Now a list of problems: Lots of laser light in one of the beams can sometimes confuse the star tracker. Has a baffle moved? The movable LED targets installed by Marc in front of the exit mirrors have moved, so, do not use them until Marc fixes the problem. SD1 Yaw is totally stuck. Fortunately LD1 mirror is in a good position just now. This problem must be addressed soon since it is potentially blocking. Sd1 acts erratically. It sometimes does not find home switch. The problem seems random but it is getting worse. South piezo motor: one of the axis works intermittently during alignment. [About the recent hack]