Current alignment light status Location Switch wire status Exit #1 on box Cable to corner Three Functioning Short Delay #2 on box Cable to corner Two Functioning Long Delay do Yaw+/- Yaw cable Two Functioning Corner #5 on box Cable to corner Three Functioning Feed Mirror #4 on box N/S feed mirror cables Three Functioning Piezo Mirror #6 on box Cable to telescopes N & S positioned well W not checked Secondary AAIB (later) Same as PM not wired yet Updates 12/31 LD lights now on cart, no danger of collision, 25M useable Lights are offset and at the vertices of the dihedrals Lights are turned on with Yaw - and off with Yaw + They are on the fainter side and I will evaluate the appropriate level of illumination with our camera a little later. 1/28 South feed mirror light mounted & Tested 1/31 South Piezo light Positioned to < 1mm 2/4 North Piezo light positioned and tested. Marc Lacasse 2/6/2005