1. Let it warm up so that water doesn't condense on surface
2. Ideally one should open vacuum by backfilling with dry N2, but this
not easy at Mt. Hopkins (we didn't do it)
3. Remove all screws from around rim, including 2 difficult to see
ones that are embedded inthe heat transfer block (from back).
4. Use Grounding strap
5. Remove card which contains chip from the unit by removing the holding
posts (and bolts/nuts). Pull off carefully, but it may stick due to heat
conduction go on the back of the ccd itself. At this point it could slip
of your hand and land on optics table CCD-down.
6. Use "special" tool to pry out the chip; be patient and calm. Note
location "key" w.r.t. the card (so you know how to orient the new chip).
Alternatively, you can replace the whole head electronics and CHIP.
7. Pop in new chip and put everything back together. We used Thermalcote
heat sink grease (http://www.thermalloy.com/html/products/thercomp.htm)
which is supposed to work down to -40 F/C.
Note that housing is spring loaded, so one has to push
while re-connecting the CCD unit to the vacuum housing.
8. Pump out with leak checker for many hours.
9. Cool down and check to see if it works. Note: we had the experience
that at least one CCD chip can detect light, but can not form a proper
image. Its not known if this is due to problem with CCD head electronics
or the chip.