

CCD delay between OUT1 & data ( =B5s ) 1160 
History sampling period (ms) 100 
FG mirror AO steps per CCD pix (AX) 273 
FG mirror AO steps per CCD pix (AY) 273 
FG mirror AO steps per CCD pix (BX) 273 
FG mirror AO steps per CCD pix (BY) 273 
Mirror A is driven by CCD  1
Mirror B is driven by CCD 2
Maximum CCD pixel intensity 4095
Min num of samples for Centroid stat 100 
Slot number of AO board
Slot number of DIO board B
Slot number of DMA board C
Num of frames in dark field sample 106 
Intens. of 0 magn. star (du/sec) (1) 1.000000e+04
Intens. of 0 magn. star (du/sec) (2) 1.000000e+04
RMS to switch to fine pixels  0.250000 
Fine/Coarse pixels intensity coeff. 9.000000 
Number of entries in centroid log 100 
Number of entries in tracking log  300