Last update: February 1998
The first step is to pump the nicmos, cool it and connect it to the electronic.
You have to follow exactly the instructions of the Nicmos
Camera section.
Once the nicmos is coolled and connected to the electronic, you may check
that it is working by launching "c:\nic_fluo\qread". If an image of the
array appears with vertical lines on it, that means that the nicmos is
working. If you do not have vertical line but random noise, the nicmos
may be warm).
Now, you must connect the DIO32F from the pentium to the DIO32F on the
Fluor Mac.
The Nicmos control program is located on the Pentium in the directory "c:\nic_fluo\".
There are 2 main programs in that directory:
One reads out the entire array, ("c:\nic_fluo\qread"). You use it to
make the alignement of the fibers onto the array. If it does not fit, you
just need to use the previous version, ie "C:\nic_code\qread".
The second program is called "c:\nic_fluo\fringes5". This is the data
aquisition program. When you launch it, it waits for the Fluor Mac
to send instruction through the DIO32F. Thus make sure that the Fluor DIO32f
and the Pentium DIO32F are connected !
To edit these C++ programs :
Launch Borland C++ under windows.
Click on open project.
Choose the project corresponding to your program. The programs should
be well documented, thus it should be ok for somebody fluent in C
to understand it.
Read very carefully the Nicmos user's manual
Fill the dewar once a day with liquid nitrogen.
Do not use the ion pump (small pump on the dewar) if the dewar is leaking
or isn't cold.
Turn off the Nicmos power and unplug it each time you do not use it.
Do not take apart the Nicmos without Wes Traub approval.
Do not touch any mirror on the visible table.
A user's manual for the FLUOR experiment will soon be available here.
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