PA-12B-0129 | Neugent, Massey, Meynet | Determining the Binary Frequency of Wolf-Rayet Stars as a Function of Metallicity | Hectochelle |
PA-12B-0181 | Zakamska, Alexandroff, Strauss, Smith, Greene | Spectropolarimetry of High-Redshift Type 2 Quasar Candidates | Blue Channel |
PA-12B-0197 | Brown, Walkowicz, Hawley, Kowalski, Saar, Furesz | MMT Hectochelle Spectral Variability of Active Late-type Stars in the Kepler Field (2012B) | Hectochelle |
PA-12B-0233 | Gizis, Cruz, Burgasser, Berger, Metchev | A Great Spot on a Kepler L Dwarf | Red Channel |
PA-12B-0295 | Hillenbrand, Findeisen, Rebull | Connecting Stellar Properties and Aperiodic Photometric Variability Origins in Young Stars | Hectospec |
SAO-1 | Brown, Berger, Chornock, Czekala | A Rapid Imaging Camera for the f/5 MMT | Hectospec |
SAO-2 | Caldwell, Strader, Seth | Globular Clusters in M33: Continuing the Survey | Hectochelle |
SAO-3 | Brown, Geller, Kenyon, Kilic | Hypervelocity Stars and Merging White Dwarfs | Blue Channel |
SAO-4 | Raymond, Edgar, Fesen, Milisavljevic, Caldwell, Szentgyorgyi | Hectochelle Observation of Balmer Line Filaments in the Cygnus Loop | Hectochelle |
SAO-5 | Foley, Kirshner, Simon, Soderberg | Circumstellar Material in Type Ia Supernova Progenitor Systems | Hectochelle |
SAO-6 | Caldwell, Strader, Seth, Ivans, Szentgyorgyi | The Hectochelle Northern Galactic Globular Cluster Survey | Hectochelle |
SAO-7 | Wright, Drake, Guarcello, Hora, van der Veen, Steeghs, Drew | The Stellar Content and Dynamics of Cygnus OB2 | Hectospec |
SAO-8 | Benbow, Furniss, Williams, Fumagalli, Hogan | Determining Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL | Hectospec |
SAO-9 | Benbow, Furniss, Williams, Fumagalli, Hogan | Parallel Observations to Determine Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL | Hectospec |
SAO-10 | Hwang, Geller, Kurtz, DellAntonio, Fabricant, Lee | The Environments of Dusty Star-forming Galaxies at z<0.8 | Hectospec |
SAO-11 | Berger, Chomiuk, Chornock, Czekala, Dittmann, Drout, Foley, Kirshner, Lunnan, Margutti, Marion, Milisavljevic, Narayan, Sanders, Soderberg, Stubbs, Zauderer | The MMT Spectroscopic Survey of Pan-STARRS Transients | Blue Channel/Hectospec |
SAO-12 | Shen, Liu | Slit Spectroscopy of kpc-scale Binary AGNs | Blue Channel |
SAO-13 | Dittmann, Newton, Irwin, Berta, Charbonneau, McCarthy, Kulesa | Multiplicity Among MEarth Target Stars | ARIES |
SAO-14 | Milisavljevic, Soderberg, Margutti, Drout, Sanders, Dittmann | Resolving SN Ejecta Asymmetries with Moderate-Dispersion Spectra | Blue Channel |
SAO-15 | Dupree, McCarthy, Kulesa | AO Imaging of Kepler Planetary Hosts | ARIES |
SAO-16 | Meibom, Barnes, Furesz, Latham, Szentgyorgyi | Better Stellar Ages and Planets in Clusters | Hectochelle |
DIR | Kim, Bagley, Kiminki, Sherry, Meyer, Jose, Sung | A Survey of Young Stellar Objects in the W3 and W4 Star-forming Regions | Blue Channel/Hectospec |
UAO-G86 | Liu, Fang, Xue, Van de Ven, Carrell, Wu | MMT Hectospec Radial Velocities of Red Clump Stars II: Dynamics of the Galactic Disk | Hectospec |
UAO-G87 | Li, Cooper, Peng, Smith | A Deep Spectroscopic Survey of an Enigmatic Overdensity of Distant BHB Stars in the Milky Way Stellar Halo | Hectospec |
UAO-G88 | H. Wu, H.-J. Yan, L. Yan, Zhu, X.-B.Wu, Kong, Zhou, Lam | MMT Hectospec Redshift Survey of FIR/Sub-mm and MIR Sources in the H-ATLAS SDP Field | Hectospec |
UAO-G89 | Z. Jiang, Tamura, H. Wang, Hoare, Yang, Whellwright, Y. Wang, Chen, Ishii | Dynamics and Kinematics Around High-Mass Protostars | ARIES |
UAO-G90 | Evans, Borish, Privon, D.-C. Kim, McCarthy, Kulesa, Armus, Petric, Surace | Nuclear Star Formation and AGN Activity in Luminous Infrared Galaxy Mergers | ARIES |
UAO-G91 | Humphreys, Grammer | Luminous and Unstable Stars in N2403 | Hectospec |
UAO-G92 | Jones, Packham, Shenoy | Imaging Polarimetry with MMTPol | MTPol |
UAO-S1 | Bian, Fan, Jiang | A Survey of Ultra-luminous Lyman Break Galaxies at z ~ 3 in SDSS Deep Stripe | Blue Channel |
UAO-S2 | Cai, Fan, Frye, McGreer | MApping the Most Massive Overdensity Through Hydrogen (MAMMOTH) | Blue Channel |
UAO-S3 | Patience, De Rosa, Rajan, Vigan, King, Ward-Duong, McCarthy, Kulesa, Pueyo | Confirmation and Characterization of Substellar and Degenerate Companions | ARIES |
UAO-S6 | Olszewski, Walker, Belokurov, Deason, Mateo | Distant Blue Horizontal Branch Stars and the Mass of the Milky Way | Blue Channel |
UAO-S7 | Zaritsky, Zabludoff, Gonzalez | Searching for Systematic Effects in SNe Ia Distances | Red Channel |
UAO-S8 | M. Kiminki, D. Kiminki, Kim | A Pair of Massive Double-Lined Spectroscopic Binaries in W3 | Blue Channel |
UAO-S9 | Flaherty, Covey, Muzerolle, Espaillat, Muench | Tracing the Kinematic Evolution of Young Stars with Hectochelle | Hectochelle |
UAO-S10 | Jiang, Fan, Walter, Bian, Cai, McGreer, Wang | Identifying z 6 Quasars in the UKIDSS Deep Extragalactic Survey Fields | Red Channel |
UAO-S11 | Stone, Eisner, Salyk, McCarthy, Kulesa | Towards Spectro-Astrometric Calibration of ARIES in Pursuit of a
World-Class Spectro-Astrometric Program at the MMT | ARIES |
UAO-S13 | Cl�ment, Egami, Jiang | Spectroscopic Identification of z ~ 6-7 Candidates in Massive Lensing Cluster Fields and the SXDS | Red Channel |
UAO-S14 | McGreer, Fan | Quasar Evolution at High Redshift | Red Channel |
UAO-S15 | You, Zabludoff, Jannuzi, Smith, Yang | Using Polarimetry to Discover the Nature of Ly Nebulae | Blue Channel |
UAO-S16 | Wong, Ammons, Zabludoff, Keeton, Decker French, McCully | Mapping the Most Powerful Gravitational Lens Telescopes with MMT Hectospec | Hectospec |
UAO-S18 | Green, Fontaine, Sharpinet, Kawaler, van Grootel, Arnett | First Independent Test of G-Mode Asteroseismology in an Evolved Star: The Pulsating sdB Star in the Old Open Cluster NGC 6791 | Blue Channel |
UAO-S19 | Hart, McCarthy, Kulesa, Newman | Detailed Performance Characterization of Imaging and Spectroscopy with the MMT GLAO System | LGS |
UAO-S42 | Smith, Mauerhan | Constraining Pre-Supernova Mass Loss: Spectroscopy of Circumstellar Gas Overtaken by the Blast Wave | Blue Channel |
UAO-S43 | Morzinski, Close, Hinz, McCarthy, Kulesa | Second-Epoch Imaging and Characterization of Candidate Brown Dwarf Companions to Hyades Solar-Type Stars | ARIES |
UAO-S44 | Smith, Mauerhan | Spectroscopic Followup of Explosive Massive-Star Transients | Blue Channel |
UAO-S58 | Stark, Robertson, Belokurov, Auger, Richard, Siana | The Nature of Low Luminosity Galaxies at High Redshift | Blue Channel |