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galeq - convert galactic (l, b) in deg. to RA, Dec J2000 in hours and degrees,
galeq [-i ifile] [-o ofile] rcol dcol
Transformation from IAU 1958 Galactic coordinates to
J2000.0 (FK5) equatorial coordinates.
See slaGaleq
- -i file Read input from file instead of the standard input.
- -o file Write output to file instead of the standard output.
- rcol
The column name of the ra column defaults to "ra". The column should
contain RA coordinate values in hours.
- dcol
The column name of the dec column defaults to "dec". The column
should contain Dec coordinate values in degrees.
- eqgal - convert RA, Dec J2000 in hours and degrees to galactic (l, b) in deg.
- ge1950 - convert galactic (l, b) in deg. to RA, Dec B1950 in hours and degrees,
- eg1950 - convert RA, Dec B1950 in hours and degrees to galactic (l, b) in deg.
- precess - Precess the ra and dec columns from one equinox to another.
- starbase.1 starbase data table introduction.
- starbase.3 starbase data table C library.
- starbase.5 starbase data table file format.
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