RVSAO -- An IRAF package to obtain radial velocities from spectra The package RVSAO defined in this directory was developed by Doug Mink at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics from the redshift package originally written by Gerard Kriss at Johns Hopkins University and modified significantly by Steve Levine at the University of Wisconsin. It obtains radial velocities and velocity dispersions using cross-correlation methods or emission line fits. It consists of five tasks: XCSAO, EMSAO, BCVCORR, SUMSPEC, and LINESPEC. If you have any problems, please contact Doug Mink, mink@cfa.harvard.edu. This package has not been tested on a VMS system. A task, RELEARN, has been provided to aid in updating parameters. Run it instead of UNLEARN to keep your current parameters settings while adding new parameters. A fairly complete description of this package has been published in the August 1998 issue of the Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. For further updates, see http://tdc-www.harvard.edu/iraf/rvsao/ *************************************************************************** 2.0 July 31, 1998 Add option to toggle header off in dispmode 3 summary display to create figures with a line-labelled spectrum. RVSAO 2.0b17 June 12, 1998 Limit analysis to pixels within limits specified by spectral WCS in header RVSAO 2.0b16 May 22, 1998 RVSAO 2.0b15 May 15, 1998 Allow INDEF in minvel and maxvel. Deal more robustly with bad correlations. RVSAO 2.0b14 April 22, 1998 Fix minor data type clashes. Recode code which reads velocities from headers. This version is probably the final beta before RVSAO 2.0, which is described in a paper which has been accepted for publication in the August 1998 PASP. RVSAO 2.0b12 April 7, 1998 Fix SUMSPEC bug which crashed the program when automatically finding the wavelength overlap region. RVSAO 2.0b11 March 4, 1998 Fix BCV calculation when no image is present RVSAO 2.0b10 February 23, 1998 Fixed handling of velocities in object spectrum files. Fixed handling of velocities in template spectrum files. Fixed handling of barycentric velocity correction from files. Allow up to 16384 points in correlations. Set template velocity to 0.0 km/sec if there is no VELOCITY or APVELn keyword in the header. RVSAO 2.0b February 12, 1998 Precision problems have been fixed in the barycentric velocity correction. The BCVCORR task has been added to deal with any observatory parameters which might throw off the inline computation of the barycentric velocity correction. ISO date specification (yyyy-mm-dd) is now supported in header date keywords as well as 1900-1999 standard FITS (dd/mm/yy). The new SUMSPEC task creates spectra from multiple spectra taken at different times. The new LINESPEC task creates artificial spectra from lists of emission and/or absorption lines. The unsupported Fourier quotient task FQUOT has been dropped. The option to divide by the continuum in XCSAO instead of subtracting it, which is set by a template flag, DIVCONT, has been fixed. There are several new parameters in EMSAO: MINCONT to determine whether area or equivalent width is computed, LWMIN and LWMAX for the minimum and maximum variation from the mean line width to be accepted, and LSMIN for the minimum ratio of the equivalent width (or area) to its error for a line to be accepted. All intermediate plots, except those produced by IRAF's interactive curve fitting routines during continuum fitting, have an added cursor command, h, to eliminate headings and produce clean graphs for publication. The parameters FIXBAD and BADLINES have been added to EMSAO, SUMSPEC, and XCSAO to remove specified regions of a spectrum before processing. A line list is provided to remove the regions around night sky emission lines. The parameters SPECBAND and TEMPBAND have been added to XCSAO, and SPECBAND and SKYBAND to EMSAO, to make use of multiple bands in multispec data possible. Because of all of these new parameters, users should run RELEARN on any tasks they have used in the past. The velocity combination subroutine has been made more robust. See the Revisions file for the earlier history of the software. *************************************************************************** To install this package in your local IRAF system, take the following steps: 1) The package is distributed as a tar archive; IRAF is distributed with a tar reader. The tar archive may be obtained by magnetic tape or anonymous ftp. For magnetic tape go to step [2] and when reading the tar archive simply mount the tape and use the tape device name for the archive name in step [4]. To obtain the package via ftp (assuming a UNIX computer): % ftp cfa-ftp.harvard.edu login: anonymous password: [your user name] ftp> cd pub/iraf ftp> get rvsao-2.0.readme ftp> binary ftp> get rvsao-2.0.tar.Z ftp> quit % ls -l -rw-r--r-- 1 mink xxxx Jul 31 xx:xx rvsao-2.0.readme -rw-r--r-- 1 mink xxxxxx Jul 31 xx:xx rvsao-2.0.tar.Z % 2) Create a directory to contain the RVSAO external package files. This directory should be outside the IRAF directory tree and must be owned by the IRAF account. In the following examples, this root directory is named usr1:[rvsao] (VMS) or /local/rvsao/ (UNIX). Make the appropriate file name substitutions for your site. 3) Log in as IRAF and edit the extern.pkg file in the hlib directory to define the package to the CL. From the IRAF account, outside the CL, you can move to this directory with the command: % cd $hlib Define the environment variable rvsao to be the pathname to the rvsao root directory. UNIX pathnames must be terminated with a '/'. Edit extern.pkg to include: reset rvsao = /local/rvsao-2.0/ task rvsao.pkg = rvsao$rvsao.cl Near the end of the hlib$extern.pkg file, update the definition of helpdb so it includes the rvsao help database, copying the syntax already used in the string. Add this line before the line containing a closing quote: ,rvsao$lib/helpdb.mip\ 4) Add to hlib$clpackage.men the package description: rvsao - Radial velocity package from SAO 5) Unpack the tar file into the RVSAO root directory. On a UNIX system, where ftpdir is the pathname of the directory into which the package was ftp'ed and rvsao is the RVSAO root directory: % cd $rvsao % zcat $ftpdir/rvsao-2.0.tar.Z | tar xvf - The archive file can be deleted once the package has been successfully installed. 6) Restart IRAF and "cd rvsao". 7) Symbolically link the appropriate binary directory to bin. bin is originally linked to bin.generic for distribution. On a SPARCstation running SunOS 4.*, type cl> mkpkg sparc On a SPARCstation running Solaris 2.*, type cl> mkpkg ssun On a DEC Alpha running Digital Unix, type cl> mkpkg alpha For other architectures, make a directory of the proper bin.{arch} name, and link it to bin 8) Make the package by typing cl> mkpkg update >&spool The spool file should be reviewed upon completion to make sure there were no errors. 9) Up-to-date hypertext help is available on the World Wide Web at http://tdc-www.harvard.edu/iraf/rvsao/