Use imucac2 to List the 10 Brightest USNO UCAC2 Stars in an Image

Find the 10 brightest USNO UCAC2 Stars in image test.fts and sort them by right ascension.
$ > imucac2 -hsn 10 testx90mbw.fits

imucac2 3.5, 22 August 2003, Doug Mink (
testx90mbw.fits: RA:  16:15:30.996 - 16:16:22.682 J2000
                 Dec: +31:19:36.69 - +31:30:36.53 J2000
10 / 16 USNO UCAC2 Catalog Stars Mag <= 13.9 at 1995.4192 in FITS image testx90mbw.fits
ucac2_id    RA2000        Dec2000    MagJ  MagH  MagK  MagC    X       Y   
244.071712 16:15:34.357 +31:30:06.37 12.34 11.95 11.87 13.37  959.9  977.7
243.072529 16:15:34.900 +31:24:43.06 12.76 12.29 12.22 13.91  947.9  475.1
243.072530 16:15:37.310 +31:23:51.77 13.70 13.39 13.30 14.66  899.8  395.4
243.072532 16:15:41.497 +31:26:37.36 13.42 12.95 12.81 14.85  817.3  652.9
243.072534 16:15:45.549 +31:27:48.29 12.06 11.62 11.49 13.19  737.1  763.2
243.072535 16:15:49.362 +31:26:42.25 12.31 11.99 11.90 13.10  661.0  660.7
243.072538 16:15:52.979 +31:25:15.52 13.72 13.29 13.23 14.78  588.8  526.0
243.072541 16:15:55.922 +31:19:58.24 12.91 12.61 12.56 13.59  528.7   32.9
243.072550 16:16:08.366 +31:26:15.52 12.49 12.10 12.04 13.53  283.3  619.8
243.072564 16:16:21.165 +31:29:28.92 13.86 13.54 13.47 14.78   30.2  921.0
where the columns are region.number, J2000 RA, J2000 Dec, J, H, K, and UCAC magnitudes, and image X and Y pixel coordinates computed using the image world coordinate system. To write a file testx90mb2.fits.ucac2, use
imucac2 -wn 10 test.fts

Last updated 11 September 2003 by Doug Mink

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