IMWCS DSS: Extracting a Digitized Sky Survey Image for Reference Stars

Reference Star [FITS image] [Image] [List] [Map] [File]
$ imsize -d i17h.fits | rsh saturn /sat0/jshaw/getimage/getimage
                              Version 1.1
                       Copyright (c) 1993, 1994,
      Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc.
                          All Rights Reserved.
Please standby; reading plate list:
For each field, enter:
        * Field name of up to 16 characters valid for a filename,

        * Width and Height of field in arcminutes in free format.
eg, "Obj1  1 2 3.4  -0 1 2.3  4.5 6.7"
Terminate the input list with EOF signal (^d UNIX; ^z OpenVMS).
Enter data for first field: 
Field              RA(J2000)   Dec(J2000)  Region PlId   Epoch    X     Y   Width  Hght Dsc
---------------- ------------ ------------ ------ ---- -------- -----   ----- ----- ----- ---
            i17h 05 47 56.500 -25 15 01.90 S488   04NN 1978.015  9988   6480   171   162  33
Extracting field i17h from plate 04NN(S488).../pool1/fits/i17h04NN.fits created.
Enter data for next field: 
Cleaning up...
GetImage all done.