SCAT used over the World Wide Web

scat can call itself over the web. Code to turn http query input into the same parameters which are set on the command line is built into the main scat program. Code to assemble and send http queries to remote programs, such as the ESO USNO-A2.0 and GSC servers and the STScI GSC II server, as well as remote scat servers, is built into the individual catalog access subroutines. Since tab-separated Starbase tables, a native WCSTools catalog format, are an output option on most catalog servers, they are parsed and sorted just like local Starbase files.
$ setenv TMC_PATH
$ stmc -vhr 180 10:00 30:00 J2000

stmc 3.0.5, 21 September 2001, Doug Mink SAO
Center:  10:00:00.000   +30:00:00.00 J2000
Area:    00:00:27.71 x +00:06:00.00
      tmc  10:00:00.000 +30:00:00.00 J2000 r= 180.00 at epoch 2000.00
SearchLim: RA: 09:59:46.144 - 10:00:13.856  Dec: +29:57:00.00 - +30:03:00.00
TABREAD: Catalog : 6 / 7 / 6 found
6 2MASS Point Sources
2MASS num.  RA2000       Dec2000      MagJ    MagH    MagK    Arcsec
18.1317411 10:00:07.749 +30:00:04.86 11.166  10.701  10.615   100.78
18.1316998 10:00:00.830 +29:58:29.39 15.066  14.541  14.373    91.25
18.1316910 10:00:00.845 +29:58:11.65 15.945  15.169  15.017   108.90
18.1317243 10:00:13.174 +29:59:29.74 16.281  15.585   0.000   173.80
18.1316642 10:00:03.900 +29:57:11.46 16.440  15.863  15.735   175.99
18.1317101 10:00:04.015 +29:58:52.65 16.888  15.771  15.377    85.19

Running the same search with a vvv flag prints the actual returned information:
$ stmc -vvvhr 180 10:00 30:00 J2000

stmc 3.0.5, 21 September 2001, Doug Mink SAO
      tmc  10:00:00.000 +30:00:00.00 J2000 r= 180.00 at epoch 2000.00
catalog 2MASS PSC
ra      10:00:00.000
dec     +30:00:00.00
equinox 2000.0
epoch   2000.0
radsec  180.00
catsort mag
program scat 3.0.5, 21 September 2001, Doug Mink SAO
2mass_id        ra              dec             magj    magh    magk    arcsec
----------      ------------    ------------    ------- ------- ------- ------
18.1317411      10:00:07.749    +30:00:04.86    11.166  10.701  10.615  100.78
18.1316998      10:00:00.830    +29:58:29.39    15.066  14.541  14.373  91.25
18.1316910      10:00:00.845    +29:58:11.65    15.945  15.169  15.017  108.90
18.1317243      10:00:13.174    +29:59:29.74    16.281  15.585  15.734L 173.79
18.1316642      10:00:03.900    +29:57:11.46    16.440  15.863  15.735  175.99
18.1317101      10:00:04.015    +29:58:52.65    16.888  15.771  15.377  85.18

ADASS 2001 WCSTools 3.0 paper