WCSTools programs

stmc Examples

1. Search with results to standard output
2. Search with results to a file
3. Find closest star
4. List selected stars from catalog
5. Match stars in input catalog

Example 1. Search with results to standard output

Find the 10 brightest 2MASS point sources in a 1-degree square centered on 10:00:00 +10:00:00 J2000 and sort them by right ascension.
stmc -s r -hn 10 -r -1800 10:00:00 +10:00:00 J2000
produces the following:
stmc WCSTools 3.6.9, 6 July 2007, Doug Mink SAO
  2MASS PSC 10:00:00.000 +10:00:00.00 J2000 +- +00:30:27.8 +00:30:00.0 at epoch 2000.0000
10 / 1534 2MASS Point Sources (MagK brighter than 9.25)
2MASS_num.   RA2000       Dec2000      MagJ    MagH    MagK    Arcsec
0996.076688 09:58:00.594 +09:41:40.64  8.261   8.160   8.075   2079.13
1000.075552 09:58:28.093 +10:02:51.15  8.791   8.538   8.491   1368.31
1004.075853 09:58:28.738 +10:25:28.79  8.201   7.967   7.856   2037.70
1004.075867 09:58:45.694 +10:27:30.99  4.938   3.902   3.759   1982.15
1000.075580 09:59:10.690 +10:04:23.55  8.747   8.143   7.965    774.55
1001.075554 09:59:17.052 +10:10:03.05  8.935   8.799   8.644    875.19
0996.076778 10:00:05.040 +09:38:23.38  7.907   7.279   7.066   1298.75
0996.076832 10:01:42.734 +09:36:40.41  8.201   7.683   7.608   2065.10
1002.076149 10:01:46.854 +10:12:57.38  8.136   7.905   7.834   1759.03
0995.077610 10:01:51.510 +09:35:05.01  9.250   8.729   8.596   2225.26

Example 2. Search with results to a file

Find all 2MASS sources within 1 degree of M51 and write results to a file
stmc -twr 3600 -o m51 13:27:48.311 +47:27:28.98 B1950
produces the following in the file m51.tmc:
catalog 2MASS PSC
ra      13:27:48.311
dec     +47:27:28.98
radecsys        fk4
equinox 1950.0000
epoch   1950.0000
radsec  3600.00
catsort mag 
program stmc WCSTools 3.6.9, 6 July 2007, Doug Mink SAO
2mass_id        ra1950          dec1950         magj    magh    magk    arcsec
-----------     ------------    ------------    ------- ------- ------- ------
1377.096194     13:31:08.307    +48:00:53.24     5.646   5.203   5.042  2843.86
1378.095138     13:26:55.650    +48:06:18.77     6.248   6.118   6.066  2389.49
1380.094275     13:25:07.479    +48:15:37.69     6.414   5.891   5.749  3311.27
1372.096640     13:29:50.354    +47:29:28.23     6.557   6.448   6.436  1243.10
1367.095513     13:31:28.298    +47:03:09.71     7.066   6.502   6.403  2673.10
 . . .

1364.095361     13:24:19.074    +46:40:17.71    10.889  10.621  10.580  3547.71
1378.095178     13:28:37.284    +48:04:27.01    10.903  10.558  10.502  2272.32
1378.095167     13:28:11.280    +48:06:13.53    10.966  10.736  10.672  2336.04
1370.095821     13:27:00.179    +47:19:36.49    10.989  10.415  10.333  679.80
1379.095583     13:27:08.288    +48:12:08.50    10.996  10.455  10.322  2709.66

Example 3. Find closest star

Find the closest 2MASS source to 10:00:00 +10:00:00 J2000
stmc -a 10:00:00 +10:00:00 J2000
produces the following:
0999.076108 10:00:03.987 +09:59:00.47 12.528  12.014  11.882    83.74

Example 4. List selected stars from catalog

List 2MASS Point Source Catalog stars 1-10 in region 0900
stmc -s n -h 0900.000001-0900.000010x0.000001
produces the following:
stmc WCSTools 3.6.9, 6 July 2007, Doug Mink SAO
2MASS_num.   RA2000       Dec2000      MagJ    MagH    MagK  
0900.000001 00:00:04.809 +00:03:35.06 14.557  13.929  13.806 
0900.000002 00:00:06.831 +00:02:28.82 15.749  15.181  14.816 
0900.000003 00:00:09.353 +00:00:05.53 12.682  12.096  11.844 
0900.000004 00:00:10.724 +00:05:18.37 14.331  13.720  13.546 
0900.000005 00:00:11.975 +00:02:25.33 16.651  15.820  14.821 
0900.000006 00:00:12.315 +00:01:15.04 16.664  16.037  15.385 
0900.000007 00:00:17.884 +00:00:35.76 14.727  14.319  14.038 
0900.000008 00:00:17.995 +00:00:10.34 16.764  16.245  15.571 
0900.000009 00:00:18.061 +00:03:21.82 11.752  11.145  10.902 
0900.000010 00:00:26.592 +00:02:37.79 16.278  15.422  15.665
where L flags magnitudes where the catalog rd_flag indicates high uncertainty.

Example 5. Match stars in input catalog

Match the stars in the input catalog test.tab to the 2MASS Point Source Catalog and list them one match per line.
stmc -l @test.tab
produces the following:
240020 22:15:54.555 -11:36:56.13  9.80  __  0783.342234 22:15:54.543 -11:36:56.19  9.161   8.749   8.719  6   -0.17   -0.06    0.18
267313 17:47:51.210 -22:58:17.35  9.10  A0  0670.228999 17:47:51.194 -22:58:17.32  8.034   7.892   7.833  384   -0.22    0.03    0.22
196784 13:42:07.204 -09:06:40.06  8.60  K0  0808.095192 13:42:07.201 -09:06:40.03  6.970   6.511   6.419  10   -0.04    0.03    0.05
127373 10:24:43.528 +11:21:21.15 10.20  K0  1013.076454 10:24:43.505 +11:21:21.40  7.350   6.773   6.643  4   -0.34    0.25    0.42
095438 06:07:46.792 +23:28:44.76 10.30  K0  1134.045434 06:07:46.830 +23:28:44.99  7.601   7.168   7.092  84    0.53    0.23    0.58
where the columns are input catalog star name, RA, Dec, magnitude, spectral type, 2MASS region.number, RA, Dec, J, H, K magnitudes, number of stars in the 120-arcsec-radius default search radius, and catalog-search dra, ddec, and dr (in arcseconds).

Telescope Data Center

Last updated 8 July 2007 by Doug Mink

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