WCSTools programs

sua1 Examples

Example 1. Search with results to standard output

Find the 10 brightest A-1.0 stars near 10:00:00 +50:00:00 J2000 and sort them by right ascension.
sua1 -s r -hn 10 -r 240 10:00:00 +50:00:00 J2000
produces the following:
sua1 WCSTools 3.6.9, 6 July 2007, Doug Mink SAO
    USNO-A1.0 10:00:00.000 +50:00:00.00 J2000 r= +00:04:00.0 at epoch 2000.0000
10 / 62 USNO A-1.0 Sources (MagB brighter than 18.30)
USNO_A1_number  RA2000       Dec2000     MagB  MagR  Plate  Arcsec
1350.07854992 09:59:43.566 +50:02:54.81  17.2  14.1   167  235.88
1350.07855012 09:59:43.951 +50:03:02.78   0.0  10.4     0  239.44
1350.07855024 09:59:44.189 +50:03:02.31  11.1   9.7   167  237.60
1350.07855215 09:59:47.886 +50:00:20.18  15.0  13.7   167  118.52
1350.07855222 09:59:47.990 +50:01:43.05  15.0  13.9   167  154.99
1350.07855335 09:59:50.220 +49:58:46.20   0.0   8.2     0  119.76
1350.07855338 09:59:50.334 +49:58:46.61   9.5   7.4   167  118.64
1350.07855446 09:59:52.128 +49:58:45.27  18.3  11.5   167  106.53
1350.07855553 09:59:54.259 +50:02:21.82  16.0  14.4   167  152.23
1350.07855826 09:59:59.755 +49:56:34.66  15.9  14.3   167  205.35

Example 2. Search with results to a file

Find all USNO A stars within 3 arcminutes of M51 and write RA-sorted results to a file
sua1 -twsr 180 -o m51 13:27:48.311 +47:27:28.98 B1950
produces file m51.uac:
catalog USNO-A1.0
ra      13:27:48.311
dec     +47:27:28.98
radecsys        fk4
equinox 1950.0000
epoch   1950.0000
radsec  180.00
catsort ra
program sua1 WCSTools 3.6.9, 6 July 2007, Doug Mink SAO
usnoa1_id       ra1950          dec1950         magb    magr    plate   arcsec
-------------   ------------    ------------    -----   -----   -----   ------
1350.08454599   13:27:33.300    +47:25:59.90    20.3    18.9    174     176.42
1350.08454602   13:27:33.353    +47:26:00.89    19.1    18.9    174     175.45
1350.08454652   13:27:34.435    +47:28:29.08    19.0    17.8    174     153.00
1350.08454690   13:27:35.233    +47:27:19.48    17.9    17.0    174     132.98
1350.08454902   13:27:40.921    +47:29:05.32    0.0     10.9    0       122.05
1350.08454994   13:27:43.057    +47:24:50.64    12.2    18.4    174     167.08
1350.08455126   13:27:46.641    +47:28:52.29    18.2    19.2    174     85.01
1350.08455169   13:27:47.543    +47:29:02.61    12.3    19.5    174     93.96
1350.08455230   13:27:49.070    +47:25:33.10    11.7    17.2    174     116.14
1350.08455261   13:27:49.933    +47:30:20.93    19.3    18.2    174     172.73
1350.08455279   13:27:50.618    +47:24:47.69    20.9    19.3    174     162.98
1350.08455342   13:27:52.308    +47:24:41.21    17.2    15.7    174     172.60
1350.08455430   13:27:54.618    +47:24:56.80    20.5    17.9    174     165.09
1350.08455456   13:27:55.505    +47:28:26.18    0.0     11.8    0       92.70
1350.08455488   13:27:56.114    +47:29:33.82    18.3    16.2    174     147.79
1350.08455690   13:28:00.734    +47:27:02.49    17.7    16.1    174     128.76
1350.08455716   13:28:01.311    +47:26:47.84    18.2    17.2    174     138.13
1350.08455748   13:28:02.109    +47:28:18.89    18.5    17.4    174     148.56
1350.08455787   13:28:03.079    +47:25:57.07    19.7    19.8    174     175.76

Example 3. Find closest star

Find the closest USNO A-1.0 star to 10:00:00 +50:00:00 J2000
sua1 -a 10:00:00 +50:00:00 J2000
produces the following:
1350.07855940 10:00:01.633 +49:59:54.26  19.9  19.2   167   16.76

Example 4. List selected stars from catalog

List USNO-A1.0 Catalog stars 1350.00000001 through 1350.00000010
sua1 -h 1350.00000001-1350.00000010x0.00000001
produces the following:
sua1 WCSTools 3.6.9, 6 July 2007, Doug Mink SAO
USNO_A1_number  RA2000       Dec2000     MagB  MagR  Plate
1350.00000001 00:00:00.000 +45:59:17.13  20.7  18.2   150
1350.00000002 00:00:00.005 +46:26:07.41  16.6  15.5   150
1350.00000003 00:00:00.013 +45:17:43.93  19.9  18.6   193
1350.00000004 00:00:00.014 +49:05:21.77  20.7  19.2   150
1350.00000005 00:00:00.015 +48:16:23.22  18.6  16.6   150
1350.00000006 00:00:00.015 +52:08:26.28  18.5  16.8   112
1350.00000007 00:00:00.017 +48:06:47.93  21.0  18.8   192
1350.00000008 00:00:00.022 +48:19:42.40  17.2  15.3   150
1350.00000009 00:00:00.023 +52:17:33.92  17.8  16.0   112
1350.00000010 00:00:00.024 +50:16:36.22  18.8  17.0   150

Telescope Data Center

Last updated 11 July 2007 by Doug Mink

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